Mic-Lock Patented Ensures Privacy on Every Device - Beware of Cheap Counterfeits!
Mic-Lock has a counterfeit problem. You can see it if you log into Alibaba or Amazon and do a search on "Mic-Lock." Over 1,000 products will appear saying they are Mic-Locks. Mic-Lock is a registered trade name with the United State Patent and Trade Office and no one else can use it but Mic-Lock. No one else can use the name. In order to clean up the mess this has created we have had to spend over $10,000 USD to join Alibaba and fight for the intellectual property that we own in China. It is a game of whack-a-mole but we will prevail (see picture below of the fakes). If it looks just like a TRSS jack then that is all it is. There is nothing inside of it. Kleenex is a brand name synonymous tissue paper. They both work. Unfortunately the other products claiming to be Mic-Locks do not works...at all. It would be like you buy a box of tissues, blow you nose and you have a gaint mess. Please look for the Mic-Lock logo and do not be fool by cheap knock off products!
Why is this so important now? Data leaks and data invasions have become an increasingly huge problem with the advent of digital tools. Many are starting to pay attention to their privacy and security, feeling concerned about their information getting to the wrong hands. Mic-Lock, an electronic security product manufacturer, sets to provide a solution with its patented microphone blocker. The device uses a proprietary technology that prevents potential hackers from listening to private conversations and using them for fraudulent purposes. Mic-Lock is currently the only digital anti-spying sound blocker in the market. It comes in different designs (USB C, Lighting, 3.5mm jack) to work with any personal electronic device.
Mic-Lock microphone blockers were designed and created by Ric Ralston, a global data communication and server design expert, to provide innovative safeguards to electronic devices, prevent unauthorized access to personal information, and support data privacy rights.
Many, if not all, devices have internal microphones that serve as avenues for hackers to listen in. And contrary to general belief, plugging dummy headsets into devices does not block sound from transmitting to internal microphones. They don’t provide the same security as Mic-Lock blockers because they aren’t considered valid audio sources by the electronic device. Other mic blocks don’t have the internal circuitry to trick a device into thinking an external microphone is plugged in. Mic-Lock blockers do.
Using a Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), Mic-Lock can mimic the expected signal of a microphone. Once the blocker is plugged, it provides the signal of silence back to the device – effectively blocking all audio sounds from being leaked to cyber invaders. It cuts the sound right at the source. Mic-Lock works on various electronic devices (laptops, PCs, tablets, and smartphones) and all operating systems, including iOS, Mac, Windows, Linux, and Android.
It’s easy to check if Mic-Lock blockers work. Users can record their voices using any recording app. Without the blocker, they can see sound-waves being recorded once they start talking. However, with Mic-Lock plugged in, the recording stops. The same happens when recording a video or playing an audio file. Mic-Lock ensures no sound-waves are being transmitted to third parties. These tests will work with anything claiming to provide audio security.
Mic-Lock blockers are compact with an inconspicuous design to allow devices to maintain their aesthetics. They do not require complex operations and software installations – just plug into a port, and they’ll keep devices secure.