Mic-Lock 3.5 mm Single-Ended Microphone Blocker Support
Mic-Lock 3.5mm Single Ended Microphone Blocker with Android phone:
- Locate or download the free “Voice Recorder” from your Android's Google Play Store.
- Tap to Open “Voice Recorder.”
- Tap the Record button.
- Plug in the Mic-Lock. The recording function will not stop but no audio will be recorded. No sound waves will appear.
- Hit the Record button again. No sound will be captured.
- Unplug Mic-Lock to restore the audio capture.
Mic-Lock 3.5mm Single Ended Microphone Blocker with Macbook:
- Open “QuickTime Player” found in the Applications folder.
- Pull down the “File” menu and choose “New Audio Recording.”
- Click the red Record button to start recording audio from the default microphone source.*
- Plug in the Mic-Lock and the recording audio wave forms will stop.
- Unplug Mic-Lock to restore audio capture.
Mic-Lock 3.5mm Single Ended Microphone Blocker with Laptop:
Use “Voice Recorder” a free app for recording audio.
Plug in the Mic-Lock and the recording will show a flat waveform – nothing is being recorded with Mic-Lock plugged in.
Remove the Mic-Lock and audio capture will be enabled.
Linux and Ubuntu
Install Pavucontrol (PulseAudio Volume Control) using apt-get or the Ubuntu Software Center.
Open PulseAudio Volume Control.
Open Sound Recorder and start recording.
Go to the "Recording" tab in the PulseAudio Volume Control window.
Make sure that "Applications" is selected in the drop-down menu on the "Recording" tab.
Plug in the Mic-Lock and audio recording will not be captured.
- Will My Phone Still Ring?
One common concern when using privacy devices like Mic-Lock is whether or not your phone will still ring when the Mic-Lock is plugged into your smart phone device. The answer is yes! Mic-Lock is designed to allow your phone to ring normally, as long as the ringer volume is turned on your smartphone. Whether you have a Mic-Lock with SoundPass or a single-ended Mic-Lock, your phone will still ring when the device is inserted into your smartphone.
- Are any 90-degree adapters available, to keep unit flush w/phone? Less chance of catching & breaking 3.5mm jack?
Yes, if you do an internet search for "3.5mm audio jack 90 degree adapter" you can find one. You then plug the adapter into the computer or smartphone and then the Mic-Lock into the adapter and it will work just fine.
- Can I pick up someone's iPhone laying on the table in front of me, plug the blocker into it, and they can't record our conversation?
Yes you can and they cannot record you. If the Mic-Lock is plugged in then it is the active audio device. No audio recording is possible. This will give you visual confirmation that the iPhone on the table cannot record.
- Can this be used on iOS and will it block audio if you are on Facebook live?
When Mic-Lock is inserted the computer thinks an external microphone is being used and all incoming sound is blocked. You need to remove it from the mic/audio jack to allow your built-in microphone to work.
- Can this lock (when placed in the audio jack of a cellphone) allow you to use Bluetooth headphones to make/take calls or listen to music??
If the Bluetooth headphones and mic are the primary or active audio source then Mic-Lock will not work. Mic-Lock has to be the last thing inserted to be the active audio source or mic. If you want to tap the phone to speakerphone then it will be the primary or active audio source and mic. Just re-insert the Mic-Lock and your audio privacy will be back up.
- Can you still make phone calls when you enable the microphone blocker?
Yes, you can make phone calls. No audio will be transmitted if you have the Mic-Lock plugged in. If you have Mic-Lock plugged into the phone but when a call comes in and you want to speak with the other party, tap the speakerphone icon or just unplug the Mic-Lock. To start the security cycle you must re-plug the Mic-Lock.
- Could a hacker switch the default back to the built-in mic or is something in the hardware switching what mic is used?
As long as Mic-Lock is the active audio source anyone listening will get a microphone signal of a silent room. When installed the phone thinks headphones are in use so no the hacker cannot switch the audio. The hacker will just hear silence.
- Does it stop the eavesdropping feature of apps like Facebook?
Yes, Mic-Lock will block audio from being transmitted. Mic-Lock's audio security protects you from your phone listening without your permission.
- Does Mic-Lock work with Alexa?
No Mic-Lock does not work with Amazon's Alexa. There is no jack for audio or external peripherals on Alexa. The internal speaker is always on. We can recommend this digital audio security. Having a device always listen to you is a convenience but the risk to your privacy is to high for us.
- Does Mic-Lock work with Google Assistant?
Google Assistant is a program that runs at the Android OS level and is higher command level then a peripheral like Mic-Lock. We work with the smart cell phone and the OS to make you will have audio security. If you enable "always listen" for Google Assistant it will do its job and ignore the Mic-Lock. It is doing its job and following your commands. The computer smart phone, when Google Assistant enabled will always be listening to you because you gave it your voice print during the setup process. Leave Google Assistant off if you want your digital personal privacy. Do not consent to be constantly monitored. If you care about digital privacy you do not have Google Assistant turned on.
- Does the phone vibrate when this device is on and you receive a call? Looks like you won't hear the phone ring since speaker is disabled.
With a Mic-Lock inserted into an iOS or Android phone it will ring and/or vibrate. If you do not hear a ring and the ringer is on please check your ringer volume setting.
- Does this work on Linux OSes?
Yes it will work with Linux as long as the host or computer has a 3.5mm microphone or headphone input jack or a USB C port.
- Does this work on vehicle Bluetooth?
This Mic-Lock works with any 3.5mm audio input but not wireless via Bluetooth. If your vehicle has a 3.5mm connector it will work but it will block all audio. It will appear as an external audio source that only sends and receives silence.
- Does this work while talking on your smartphone? Will it block a third party from listening?
Yes, if it is plugged into your smartphone it will appear as a live mic to the phone but no audio will be transmitted. You can hear them but they cannot hear you. It works on PCs, Macs and tablets too.
- Hi, this blocker helps to prevent to hear all kind of communication that I have on the phone with someone?
Yes, the Mic-Lock will block your audio. The Mic-Lock looks like an active but silent mic to the phone.
- If someone is able to hack into my PC why won’t they be able to bypass the default mic settings?
Most Remote Access hacks will give the hacker the ability to turn on and turn off video, sound, display preferences, etc. The malware is bot based and goes through and toggles on video and sound. The bot, based on activity or input will flag as a target back to review. If you have Mic-Lock plugged in it will be the default audio because the digital mixer sees a new physical access port as the highest priority. This works to camouflage your activity. The hacker will have a bot listen to the audio. The bot will hear nothing when Mic-Lock is the active audio source.
- I have an Android phone. Will Mic-Lock block anyone eavesdropping and using my phone as a microphone to hear everything happening in the room?
Yes, that is the purpose and function of Mic-Lock. It will work on Android, iOS, Windows or Mac.
- I'm a doctor. If I put this device on my cell phone or computer ... Does it block the recording signal on the patient's cell phone?
No. The device only blocks the microphone of the device to which it is directly connected.
- Is it supposed to block audio as well? I cannot hear sound from my laptop when it's plugged in
Yes. It is telling the device it has a set of "headphones plugged in" and it is now the active audio source.
- Is this for blocking malware from listening in on your conversations?
Yes it is for blocking bad apps from third parties turning on the mics and listening. Mic-Lock makes your phone or computer think there is a mic attached but only a silent electrical signal is sent when it is active. Your device will recognize it as a microphone. Simply plug and go!
- Is this legal to use on your phone? Does it prevent both transmission and recording?
Mic-Lock is safe and legal. When the Mic-Lock is plugged in the device thinks there is a real mic plugged in and prevents any recording and transmission of active audio. Mic-Lock generates the electrical signal of a microphone in a silent state. It “records” only silence. It is not jamming or interfering with any electrical communication system. Think of it as a WebCam cover-you remove it when you want someone to see you on the camera. With Mic-Lock, you remove it when you want someone to hear you.
- My PC has a 3.5mm mic jack and a mic next to the webcam. Will this disable all mics?
Mic-Lock needs to be the active audio source for the audio security to work. If it is recording your voice then the Mic-Lock is not active. Please unplug and re-plug in the Mic-Lock and the security will be up. This is true with any device or any OS.